“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” – Tom Fishburne, founder and CEO, Marketoonist
Takeaway: Your website and your message is a reflection of you.
I was feeling cranky. I get that way when I don’t have a mystery/thriller to read. But not just any mystery/thriller.
I like to read a book series. That way I’m guaranteed to have one great book after another to read, at least for a while.
And that was the problem. I needed a new series. I trudged through the mystery aisles in the library, picking up one book after another.
I liked the cover of one, but a quick scan of the copy and I put it back. (Don’t get me started on authors who don’t use quotation marks to indicate a conversation is occurring between characters. Grrr!)
Yes. I’m one of those demanding readers, but that crankiness has led me to authors like Louise Penny whose characters sparkle on the page.
And C.S. Harris whose writing makes me swoon with its simplicity and stunning clarity. Or Deanna Raybourn with her quirky, intelligent female lead.
These authors are my people! They speak to me with every word on the page.
And that got me to thinking.
Your Marketing Message is Much Like Creating an Unforgettable Character
You only want to attract the people who vibrate on your frequency. You want to feel that juice between the two of you, that synergy on a soul level that says, “You’re my people!”
That’s why your marketing message and the layout of your website is so crucial. It defines you. It makes a strong statement about who you are.
· Do you have a wall of text on your home page?
· Are your pictures blurry or stretched?
· Do you just have a laundry list of the services you offer?
· Is your site cringeworthy?
Your website can either create a bond between you and the reader or it can repel them. What visitors are looking for is connection. Just like a good fiction book! Are you forgettable or unforgettable?
· Are you showing your audience you understand their fears, challenges?
· Are you showing them what makes you different?
· Are you sharing why it’s so important to you to do this work?
· Are you providing proof that what you do works?
You’re crafting a story, one that helps your audience answer their own question of, “Are you my people?”
Your marketing message may not be a thrill ride, but it should be a page turner.
But there’s one more reason to make your message unforgettable.
Visitors are Looking for A Reason Not to Work with You
It’s true. Because visitors don’t know you (yet), they are distrustful of you. That’s why when someone clicks on your site, they are looking for any reason at all to click away.
Your marketing message has to nail it right out of the gate. It has to show the visitor in the header section—right from the get-go--that you get them. Otherwise, they are gone.
The layout of your site must embrace the visitor with warm colors and a message that makes them stop and read because the reader feels you understand what they are experiencing.
Each section of your home page must have a subhead that draws the reader in and dares them not to keep reading!
That’s how you capture your reader’s attention and keep it. And the ones who do click off…bless them and send them on their way. They were never meant for you!
(I’m still jonesing for a good thriller series. If you have a suggestion, please let me know before I wither away from withdrawal)
Want some help with your health and wellness marketing message and website design? I love working with coaches to help them create an authentic message that helps them make a difference in the world! But first, let's see if we're a good fit to work together. Set up a complimentary 30-minute trust call with me today.