"People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it, and what you do simply proves what you believe." Simon Sinek
Are all coaching services the same? It’s true that if you shop around, you can find coaching that offers about the same services for roughly the same price.
But does that make them all the same?
The startling truth is most health and wellness coaches don’t know how to truly distinguish themselves in their chosen niches.
Coaches turn to website designers and copywriters, paying big bucks to help get their message to the masses. When it doesn’t work, enthusiasm quickly turns to cynicism.
It’s a tricky landscape with traditional marketers adhering to particular formulas to make their words work. But they don’t. So why is that?
I think I know.
The Marketing Guru Dilemma: “I don’t Know Who to Follow!”
Coaches and consultants don’t know who has the truth about how to effectively market their services. As one person said to me, “I don’t know who to follow!”
But what if it's not about marketing gurus at all?
What if marketing was about deeply caring about the people you want to serve? Would marketing then feel like such a beast?
This is Why You Hate Marketing Sooo Much
When you’re trying to fit a round peg into a square hole, you’re out of alignment with who you are and what you stand for!
That’s why traditional marketing doesn’t work for you. It's not the right fit.
The truth—the real truth—about marketing is this: Make your marketing about sharing what you do and how you help.
Think of it like an initial coaching session. You’re digging deeper into the motivations of why a prospective client wants coaching.
What are the life challenges that brings her to you?
What’s keeping her from making the change she seeks?
What do you offer that will help her move beyond those obstacles to create the life she wants?
Tell your truth. In your words. From your heart. Doesn’t that feel better already?
Health & Wellness Marketing That’s Aligned With Your Values
Now that you know you don't have to market like a used car salesman, there's the challenge of communicating your value in a way that people say, “She gets me!”
Easier said than done, right?
It’s very difficult to write your own marketing message because you’re just too close to it. The Curse of Knowledge kicks in and your message can become too cluttered, going down multiple rabbit holes to make a point.
Because your marketing must be relatable! That’s where the right marketing writer can make all the difference.
How to Choose the Right Marketing Writer
Make sure the writer understands these four crucial points:
1. You must connect on a gut level with your audience, speaking to the pain points they want solved.
2. Show your audience WHY you understand them.
3. Show them what makes you different and how it will help them.
4. Provide proof.
This approach to marketing works extremely well for service businesses. Far from being gimmicky, it's a heartfelt conversation!
A good marketing writer will know how to take WHAT you do and turn it into WHY people should work with you.
3 More Big Benefits to Hiring a Health & Wellness Copywriter
You won't try to sell them the kitchen sink.
You won’t need to try to explain EVERYTHING you do. Your marketing message will be distilled down into easily digestible talking points. Best of all, it won’t feel like that dreaded beast called marketing!
No more feeling like an imposter.
In-person marketing and Zoom calls now have a central focus, one that works for you! It's also much easier to write social media and blog posts.
Website optimization allows you to be seen as an authority.
While you may not get as much of your business locally, ranking locally sends a clear message that you’re a professional. When a prospect googles you, you want to rank on the first page, and preferably in Google’s Map Pack. (Please note: The vast majority of designers don’t optimize websites for search.)
Beautiful Websites Wow. Compelling Websites Convert.
Don’t believe for a minute you have to have a beautiful website! I’ve seen too many beautiful websites that were slow to load because the graphics were huge, light on content, and had lots of shiny objects that distract from its job—to get you clients.
Choose instead a compelling website, one that focuses on the message, allowing the design to flow seamlessly with your message.
Make Your Marketing Work for You
You may not ever love marketing, but you can learn to like it if its in alignment with your values.
Sharing an authentic message eliminates the need to be somebody you aren’t. Just as importantly, it shows your audience who you are and why they should work with you.
Isn’t that what you want?
Want some help with your health and wellness marketing message and website design? I love working with coaches to help them create an authentic message that helps them make a difference in the world! Set up a complimentary 30-minute consult with me today.