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Is It Ethical to Use Fear in Health & Wellness Marketing?

Depressed woman with a dark cloud over her head.

“People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.” Zig Ziglar 

Takeaway: Negative emotions, when used ethically, can demonstrate to your audience that you understand them.

Guilt. Anger. Overwhelm. Frustration. All very strong emotions, but is it ethical to use them—or any negative emotion—in marketing to your audience? Most people would say it’s a breach of trust.


But what if these negative emotions could actually build trust, solidifying your credibility, and authority with your prospective clients?


It sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? But it isn’t.

Fear as a Connector

I’m not talking about a cheap used car salesman pitch here. Quite the contrary.

I’m talking about deep listening.


When fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, and the like, are used ethically, these volatile emotions can help build trust with the people you feel called to work with.


This is why talking only about your credentials, your experience, and your proprietary method of working with clients won’t win over new clients.


People expect you to be expertly trained. That’s a given. And yes, those assets have their place, but it’s not the main reason new clients will work with you. If they did, people would be flocking to your door!


What does work is connection.


By showing prospective clients that you understand their fears, frustration, anxiety, you name it, you are actually giving people a gift of connection.

These negative emotions work by building a bridge of trust. It says, “You get what I’m going through!”


But that’s not all.

Fear as a Guidepost to a Positive Outcome

Most of your clients are on some kind of transformative journey. That’s why they are working with you, right?


But before they decide you are the right person for them, they need to know you understand their self-imposed roadblocks. Such as:


·      Giving in to midnight cravings

·      Saying yes when you really want to say no

·      Feeling unable to manage a chronic illness

·      Your audience’s challenge here


Sharing that you understand their roadblocks makes your would-be client feel less alone and heard.


And for many of the people you’re trying to reach, they haven’t had the experience of being heard and accepted for where they are right now.


That, in turn, makes them more confident of a positive outcome with you. You’ve given them a sense of calm and you’ve shown them you have their best interests at heart by also offering a solution, your services.


Once you’ve demonstrated your emotional value, now is the time to talk about your credentials, experience, and your proprietary system.


But don’t be surprised if your new client says what really “sold” her was the depth of your understanding of her problem, and if appropriate, your own story of overcoming the same challenge.


Hope in the face of fear.


Use negative emotions to help your audience understand you are the right person to guide them on their transformative journey. They will love you for it!

Want some help with your health and wellness marketing message and website design? I love working with coaches to help them create an authentic message that helps them make a difference in the world! Set up a complimentary 30-minute consult with me today.



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