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The Real Purpose of Your Website Home Page

Picture frame with the words home page on it.

“Self-promotion is not about pitching your ideas or yourself to anyone. It’s about offering to help people who need your help.”


I’ve got junk. Maybe you can relate. After 24 years of living in the same place, it’s time to do a purge. This junk’s gotta go.

But I’ve got questions. If I hire a junk removal company, what can I expect from them?

  • Do they only take outside junk?

  • Are they just a bunch of guys with a pickup truck?

  • How do I know I can trust the company to responsibly remove my junk?

  • How long will it take them to get rid of my junk?

I needed answers! So, I did a quick Google search. Ah! This site looked promising, so I clicked on it. And here’s what I saw.

Your satisfaction is our priority

What?! That’s it? That’s all I get? But how do I know from this website home page if the junk removal company is a professional company?

The site did say it was veteran-owned. Nice, but how do I know if they can handle the junk I’ve got?

The site said their core values were honesty, customer service, and community. Again, nice, but how do I know their company is equipped to do the job?

There were no pictures and no further information about the company. None of my questions were answered. So I clicked off.

Then I found this site.

website home page of a clean garage

Okay, you’ve got my attention. The site went on to say the following.

Website home page of company's credentials

In a few words, this company answered my questions. They are licensed and insured. Careful and respectful, and prompt.

There was a picture of the truck they use for bigger jobs, and they recycle what they can (that’s important to me.)

And then they had a question for me.

Website home page of list of who needs junk removal

This company demonstrated they understood right up front what my concerns might be, then offered a solution. Plus, they told me who’s a good fit to work with them.

And that, folks, is what your home page is supposed to do.

But here’s what usually happens…

The Two Common Website Home Page Mistakes Small Businesses Make

As entrepreneurs, we're not schooled in the art of marketing. We know how to do our craft very well, but we don't know how to create an authentic marketing message that resonates with our intended audience.

Not possessing that skill, entrepreneurs try to figure out what they should say. As a result, two approaches are usually taken.

1-Telling the story you think prospects want to hear, not what really motivates them to do business with you.

That’s why the first junk company loudly proclaimed, Your Satisfaction is Our Priority.

That’s not what a prospect is looking for right out of the gate. It’s not the glue that makes them stick around.

Website visitors want their questions answered. Just like I did.

I had a problem. I needed information and reassurance that the company was a good fit for me. I didn’t get that with the first company.

2-Assuming we’re best buds before we’ve even been introduced.

Too often, businesses assume they don’t need to make that introduction, to build that bond and reinforce their credibility.

Assuming a familiarity you don’t have—with a complete stranger, I might add—is unwise and misguided.

It’s like having a stranger walk in through the front door of your house, sit down at the kitchen table, and expect to be served dinner. Where was the invitation?

3-Essential Elements of a Website Home Page That Connect and Sell

Make no mistake. Your home page is the place where you want to sell what you offer. But that doesn’t mean you go all used car salesman on your prospect.

Sell by showing your prospect you understand what they need and then offering a solution. Here’s the proven structure that works.

1-Talk about her problem

That’s why she’s on your site! She’s got a problem she wants solved. Show her you understand that problem completely.

2-Position yourself as the problem solver

Once you’ve demonstrated you understand her problem, show her why you are uniquely qualified to solve her problem. What makes you different from your competition?

3-Gently remind her of the consequences for not choosing your solution.

As Donald Miller of StoryBrand said, “If there are no consequences for not doing business with you, there is no reason to do business with you.” That’s why you want to gently remind her how you can make her life better.

4-Then show her how you can make her life better

What will she gain by giving you her business? What are the benefits? How will you help her? Answer these questions thoroughly to remove any sales obstacles.

5-Create a Call-to-Action

Tell her what you want her to do. Call now? Buy now? Show her the next logical step to take.

Your home page is valuable real estate. Don’t waste it with tired truisms that no one cares about. Use this page as it was intended—to connect and sell.

To do otherwise is simply folly. (Note the first junk removal company.) Want some guidance with your home page or with your current marketing message? Set up a complimentary 30-minute appointment with me. I’ll give you at least 3 practical tips to get you going in the right direction!


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